Currently Reading: The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

September 7, 2017

Today I want to do a little book talk on a book that I'm currently reading, Garth Stein's The Art of Racing in the Rain. This book was super popular a few years back and I added it to my "to read" list on Goodreads and I'm just now getting around to reading it!

I actually had a super interesting conversation with my mom about this book because as I was explaining it I realized that it is so far from something I would normally read. I mean, "it's a book from a dog's perspective and he's retelling the story of his life as he's about to die"...what?? It was through explaining why this book appealed to me that I realized what actually made it different. Though it's obviously complete fiction, this dog has a profound insight into human nature. It makes sense right, dogs see their owners through some of their best and worst times and they have no input on the choices we make.

I haven't yet finished this book, in fact, I'm nowhere near done (I'm on Chapter 2), but I know it's one that will change my perception on life. I highly recommend this book to everyone and I'll be sure to do an updated post once I've finished the book! xx, Lauren.
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